Tuesday, 22 January 2008

UPDATE – 23/01/08

It’s taken a little longer than I expected to get this next blog entry out. Over the holiday season work on the project slowed down a little due to various factors all of which are pretty immaterial to go over now, nevertheless I’m happy to report as of the past few weeks work on the project has settled back into normalcy, so better late than never.

Auditions are coming in at a steady pace. Some are pretty good, but in order to give everyone a chance to contribute I won’t be officially casting anyone for a while yet so please keep them coming in. Even if you don’t get one of the main roles I’m still looking for prospective talent to fill both the recurring cast list and some of the other ancillary roles.

Without further ado, here are some of the more recent updates for some of the ship designs:

It's safe to say that both the Kumari and D-5 are pretty much complete now. Below is the latest on the Romulan Bird-of-Prey, and while the basics are all there I think it lacks a little detail just now.Next up: I want to get up some of the 3D models I've being working on plus a new ship design, the Klingon Bird-of-Prey.